Brownell Boat Transport Services
Boat Transport Services
Innovating for the Marine Industry Since 1954
Why Choose Us?
As a family business with over 60 years of experience in boat moving, you can rest assured your boat is in safe hands. Our service began in 1954 with David (Fred) Brownell’s inventions of the Hydraulic Trailer and Boat Stand, and we are now regarded as the industry leader in hydraulic boat hauling. Using this safe and efficient way to haul, launch, move, and store your boat, our team of skilled boat handlers treats each boat as if it were their own, providing you with an exceptional boat hauling experience.

Trust us to handle your Boat Haul, Launch, and Transport.
Our specialized, air-ride hydraulic trailers can accommodate ramp hauling and launching of boats with drafts up to 8’, fin keels, twin keels, centerboards and wing keels, offering you a variety of options. Our mobile cranes provide you with a mast stepping and unstepping service for sailboats. We offer residential delivery, self-loading and unloading to and from boat stands, in yard moves, and overland transport depending on your needs.
Our air-ride hydraulic trailers self-load quickly from a boat ramp, boat stands, a crane or travel-lift. Our boat hauling services are available to individuals, boat yards, marinas and yacht clubs for the seasonal hauling, launching and transport of their boats.